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In order to expand its AI-powered competitive gaming platform, Refresh Miami, Gamercraft has raised $5 million

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    Gamercraft has raised $5 million in seed funding to grow its competitive gaming platform.  The Miami-based startup’s lead funders also have homegrown roots: the co-founders of computer hardware giant Alienware.

    In the round, Alienware’s co-founders, who were existing backers of Gamercraft, were joined by Le Fonds, Mistral Ventures, Quantic Fund, Stellaria Capital and others.

    Gamercraft founder and CEO Jose Javier Garcia-Rovira said Gamercraft plans to use the funding to expand its engineering and platform capabilities, introduce new games and genres in 2024 and expand growth marketing efforts. The company also plans to utilize a portion of the funds for blockchain gaming.

    Founded in 2020, Gamercraft is a skill-based competitive gaming platform powered by AI that enables mobile, PC, and console gamers to compete against each other in tournaments for monetary rewards, complemented by services designed to improve player performance. The company reports that it is on a mission to revolutionize gaming by utilizing artificial intelligence to provide a trustworthy, fair and robust set of competitive gaming experiences, empowering amateur gamers.

    Gamercraft CEO Jose Javier Garcia-Rovira

    “We envision a future where gamers will no longer have to settle exclusively for passive gaming experiences, instead embracing experiences where their time and skills invested result in tangible returns for them. More than ever, we’re committed to embedding skill gaming into the heart of future gaming economies,” said Garcia-Rovira, in announcing the funding.

    Gamercraft, positioned at the intersection of blockchain and AI, aims to be a gaming infrastructure player. The platform leverages the AWS Quantum Ledger to provide a transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction log, the company said.

    Already, Gamercraft is used by 300,000 gamers across North America, Latin America, and Europe, VentureBeat reported. Gamercraft is a team of 12 people and has raised $6.8 million to date. The company plans to close the seed round later this year.

    Alienware, maker of high-end gaming computers and an early break-out success story in #MiamiTech, was founded in the mid-1990s by  Nelson Gonzalez, Frank Azor and Alex Aguila. The homegrown company was acquired by Dell in 2006, where it remains an independent subsidiary.  

    Email Nancy Dahlberg at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter @ndahlberg.


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    Nancy Dahlberg

    I am a writer and editor with extensive media experience and a passion for journalism and serving the community. Most of my career has been spent with the Miami Herald in business news, and my expertise is writing about tech and entrepreneurs. I love hosting this blog for Refresh Miami and we aim to be the go-to site for South Florida startup and tech news, features and views. Have news? Contact me at [email protected]. Thanks for reading!

    Nancy Dahlberg


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