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Oba Ewuare II informs the envoy that the King of Benin owns the returned artifacts

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    Oba's Head The Benin Bronze returned to Nigeria by the University of Aberdeen

    Oba of Benin, Ewuare II, has notified the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Nigeria, Wouter Pomp, on the significance of the Presidential recognition of ownership and an order vesting custody and management of repatriated looted Benin artefacts to the Oba of Benin.

    Recall that the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Notice No. 25 in an official Gazette No. 57, Volume 110 at pages A245-247, dated March 23, 2023 laid to rest, the simmering tussle between the Oba and Edo State Governor, Mr Godwin Obaseki over who to be the custodian of the artefacts.

    Reacting to comments by the Ambassador of Netherland on the future of repatriated Benin bronzes, Oba Ewuare II said, the future of the Benin bronzes and artefacts are in the gazette.

    The Oba said, “The ownership, custody, and management of the artefacts are clearly stated, which is vested in the Oba as an institution. That is the law.

    “The ongoing plans for the construction of Benin Royal Museum Project at the instance of the Nigerian government is on course. It is a federal government project and we have been on it for some time now.”

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    Addressing the Benin throne earlier, the Ambassador congratulated Oba Ewuare II for redirecting the course of history. 

    He pledged his government support in strengthening Nigeria in the area of employment and cultural diplomacy.

    “We are very interested in all the history of the Benin Bronzes, some of which are still in the Netherlands. Contacts are underway between Netherlands Commission for Monuments and the Commission for Monuments of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    “There has been meetings between the Commissions about the future of the Benin Bronzes,” Wouter added.

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