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Why are the female English players known as the Lionesses?

ENGLAND'S Women's football team have become renowned to the name Lionesses, but where does it come from?

Here we look at a very simple and short story...


England's Women's football team nicknamed the LionessesCredit: Getty

Why is England Women's football team called the Lionesses?

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The name, Lionesses, helped to differentiate the men's team from the women's back in 2012.

#Lionesses was used when the women's team played in the UEFA Women's Euro 2013 qualifier, while the men's team played in the UEFA 2012 Euro.

The hashtag allowed people to follow the women's team more easily without getting caught up with men's #ThreeLions branding at the time. 

In 2015 ahead of the FIFA Women's World Cup the FA adopted the name as an official brand identity.

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The Women's World Cup got underway on Thursday, July 20 in Australia and New Zealand with the final on Sunday, August 20.


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Team News

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Hope FC - Topic

Sarina Wiegman's 23-squad that will be playing has a strong selection of players.

  • Goalkeepers: Mary Earps (Man Utd), Ellie Roebuck (Man City), Hannah Hampton (Aston Villa).
  • Defenders: Millie Bright (Chelsea), Lucy Bronze (Barcelona), Jess Carter (Chelsea), Niamh Charles (Chelsea), Esme Morgan (Man City), Alex Greenwood (Man City), Lotte Wubben-Moy (Arsenal).
  • Midfielders: Keira Walsh (Barcelona), Georgia Stanway (Bayern Munich), Ella Toone (Man Utd), Jordan Nobbs (Aston Villa), Laura Coombs (Man City), Katie Zelem (Man Utd).
  • Forwards: Alessia Russo (Man Utd), Rachel Daly (Aston Villa), Lauren Hemp (Man City), Chloe Kelly (Man City), Lauren James (Chelsea), Katie Robinson (Brighton), Bethany England (Tottenham).

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