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This is the amount of VeChain required to earn $1 million if the price of VET reaches $1

VeChain (VET) is showing an impressive market rally today; amid the bullish optimism, this article estimates the total VET needed to make $1 million should the coin hit $1.

Currently priced at $0.03507 after jumping 5.91% in the past 24 hours, VeChain has also seen an increase in its market capitalization, now pegged at $2,549,936,604. While the price market cap has seen upticks, VET’s trading volume recorded an 8% drop to $133,230,567.

As one of the oldest enterprise-grade blockchain protocols, VeChain is poised to welcome a massive embrace in the long term. Should this projection come to pass, it might have a positive impact on VET demand and ultimately drive price growth in line with many experts’ predictions.

Vechain (VET) Needed to Make M

VIDEO: How much Vechain VET is needed to make $1M?
Cheeky Crypto

If VET sells at $1, the total number of tokens that will make $1,000,000 is exactly a million VET tokens. At the current price of $0.03507, these VET tokens will cost exactly $35,070.

VeChain is a mid-cap crypto protocol with a very low price mark. Interestingly, the price at this point is the highest the coin has recorded from the start of the year to date.

This means that investors who want to buy VET in hopes of making $1 million when the price soars to $1 will be paying a premium for it now, compared to mid-September when it traded at $0.01523. At this price, 1 million VET went for $15,230, less than half the current price.

VeChain is Playing Out a Bullish Script

VIDEO: How Much VeChain VET Do You Need To Retire?
Cheeky Crypto

VeChain has a reputation for its moderate price volatility. Considering its price action in the past month, which has grown by 66.7%, it becomes evident that VeChain may be playing out a bullish script.

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As reported earlier by The Crypto Basic, it is projected that VeChain might soar by more than 150%, with the likelihood of hitting $0.077 in the next six weeks. With bullish investor sentiment, achieving this feat now seems plausible but investors should remain cautious and carry out proper research.

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Author: Linda Reyes

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Name: Linda Reyes

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Introduction: My name is Linda Reyes, I am a receptive, bold, multicolored, forthright, honest, accessible, unyielding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.